Thursday 19 January 2012

Shake-out time for robotics

Hopefully, this ushers in an era where this industry can gain inroads into the mass private sector--like automotive after WWII, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Friday 27 May 2011

Solar Exports from Africa

When will Africa begin exporting Solar-generated power? Are there grid integration problems with EU? What would it take to establish power transport corridors? More than an oil pipeline across Azerbaijan?

Robotics field: SIGINT

There are daily, incremental advances in the field of robotics that will rapidly tip the flywheel over for rapid monetization and utility. It is incredible how many non-linear technologies are conspiring. Hopefully, there are companies paying attention at the SIGINT level who can begin rapidly integrating and level-set robotics in mass market.

Smartgrid implementation challenges

Deployment of new technology is always a challenge. The real question on this implementation, particularly given the scale, is why they didn't allow for alternate field-unit technologies to ensure maximum deployment penetration?

Monday 16 May 2011

Basis for automotive network effects geometric growth

A very exciting aspect to the growth of EV's and Hybrid Vehicles is the underlying telematics service structure that enables reliable consumer use of these vehicles. As these vehicles gain a solid distribution scatter (number of EV/Hybrid's scattered among a floating car fleet), there are some very exciting possibilities: caravan, mesh, NFC, etc.. Hopefully, this report is on target:

EV Mass Transit and Individual Transit

It is interesting to see the first mass Taxi rollout of EV's. Given the rapid changes and requirement for maximum time on-the-road, it is surprising. Although it is likely more of a marketing pronouncement, designed to mark territory and call attention to a national champion, the market is definitely moving this way. Hopefully, they are instrumenting the service and the back office to provide a basis for collaborative improvement.